Three of the students in our lab took part on the excellent one-day yICSA Senescence Symposium held at The Blizzard Institute of QMUL in London, with Juan Carlos Acosta as invited keynote speaker. The meeting was perfectly organized by Ryan Wallis (yICSA) and Cleo Bishop (ICSA). Sabela Da Silva-Álvarez presented a poster with the preliminary results and the outline of her new project on the identification of markers of chemotherapy-induced senescence. Valentín Estévez-Souto gave a short talk on his project about the activity of exosomes secreted from tumor cells undergoing senescence. Pilar Picallos-Rabina gave a sgort talk on the indetification of Cardiac Glycosides as novel senolytic compounds and the work derived from this identification. All of them returned back to the lab with renewed energies and happy to have spent some time with the yICSA community in London.